Doorways Health and Well being Service offers a wide range of activities and workshops to help clients succeed in their tenancies and provides opportunities to develop their independent living skills and future prospects. The Service also offers one to one sessions for clients with mental health or physical issues.
Doorway's Community Garden is a space for young people to grow their own fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs. It provides the young people with new skills and is a great way to promote positive health and well being. Read more
A fun way for the young people to meet new friends, shop on a budget and learn how to cook healthy food. There are a number of Lifewise AQA accredited cooking modules that the young people can achieve. Read more
Young people have the opportunity to learn new skills such as knitting, crochet, sewing and crafts. Read more
Join the hundreds of young people who have been helped to access employment, training and education through our unique programme. Read more
Lifewise enables vulnerable young people to build up a portfolio of modules relevant to their situation, which in turn helps them to develop key independent living skills. Read more
Young people receive support and advice to help to cope with emotional and mental health issues. Young people can attend a variety of group or 1-2-1 sessions to help improve their mental wellbeing and provide them with effective coping mechanisms to manage their emotions. Read more
Money Matters workshops can be delivered one to one or in a group setting. This programme enables young people to budget, pay bills and save money as well and helping young people to develop their independent living skills. Read more
We provide sexual health advice and information. We offer a free and confidential service: providing condoms, pregnancy and chlamydia tests. Read more
Doorway’s young people have the opportunity to participate in various activities and projects which help to improve their self-esteem, mental and physical health and develop their skills and confidence. Read more