This short film was created by Doorway young people to highlight mental health issues, available at

Doorway clients receive support and advice to help them cope with emotional and mental health issues. Doorway also offer a variety of sessions, projects and activities that encourage young people to get involved and help to improve mental wellbeing using the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing' produced by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) on behalf of Foresight (2008). 


Doorway have a variety of sessions, projects and other activities such as Young People's Group (YPG) that help young people to connect with others and be part of the wider community. YPG meet regularly to encourage participation in meetings or activities that connect young people, increasing inclusion, self-esteem, confidence, motivation and engagement. 

Be Active

Young people can get involved in boxing, walking, the garden project or other activities that promote physical health and well being. 

Take notice/Be Mindful

The Community Garden is the perfect way for clients to use mindfulness to improve their mental well being. The Garden  aims to provide young people with skills to grow their own fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers and helps young people to relax and distracts the mind away from negative emotions. 

Doorway cooking sessions and crafts project are also other ways that clients can use mindfulness to improve their mental well being. 

Keep Learning

Doorway offer various training programmes such as Jobwise and Lifewise for clients to keep learning and develop independent living skills. Clients can achieve AQA accreditations in a variety of topics that provide them with skills to improve confidence, employability, finances and mental and physical health and wel lbeing. 

Useful Information

There are also many websites that provide useful information, advice and support on a wide range of mental health issues. 

Here are a few good links: