Safeguarding Safeguarding Statement We are committed to safeguarding all our people from harm. This includes our staff, volunteers and all those who use or come into contact with our services. We recognise that all of them, regardless of race, age, ability, gender, identity, sexual orientation, religion or belief, have the right to protection from all types of harm or abuse. We work closely with local partner organisations and review national guidance to ensure that we follow safeguarding best practice. Our safeguarding policy is overseen by our Management Committee and we have designated trustee and staff safeguarding leads. We undertake enhanced DBS checks to ensure that the people who join our organisation are suitable for their roles. Additionally, we have a code of conduct for all staff and volunteers. Our frontline team is trained to recognise signs which could indicate that a child or adult at risk may be being abused or neglected and training is refreshed annually. We actively encourage our staff, volunteers and those who use or come into contact with our services, to speak up about things which they think could cause harm to people and we act promptly when concerns have been raised. The nature of our work can be challenging and we are committed to creating a safe, supportive place to work. Safeguarding Policy Safeguarding Procedure Manage Cookie Preferences