Our Fundraising Promise When you donate to Doorway you can give with confidence. We abide by the codes of practice and guidelines set out by the Institute of Fundraising and Charity Commission. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator and in addition we make the following promises: Doorway will never share your details with other charities or sell your data to a third party. We will communicate with you in a way that suits you and will make it easy for you to tell us your contact preferences. We will be open and transparent about how we raise money and how your money is spent. Doorway support the strengthening of fundraising regulation and the development of the new Fundraising Regulator. Complaints Policy Doorway is committed to delivering a high standard of service to everyone who engages with us. If you feel we have we have fallen short of the high standards we set ourselves, we genuinely would like to hear from you. You can provide feedback by emailing [email protected] or write to: Carol Gallagher, CEO, Doorway, 25-27 Dugdale Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5QJ Manage Cookie Preferences