In December 2017, it was agreed by Trustees to apply to the Charity Commission for Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status. The CIO structure was developed specifically for charities that need to employ people, own properties and/or enter into contracts but do not want the added burden of being subject to company law by becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee. It was felt that this structure is most appropriate to meet Doorway’s needs in relation to delivering business plan objectives and increasing our accommodation options for homeless young people.


Doorway’s application was successful and our CIO registration number is 1176552. We have new constitution and will continue to be governed by our Trustee board who oversee the strategic direction of the charity. Although our status has changed, we intend to operate with the same name, delivering the same activities and always seeking new ways of working with young people.  


As at April 2018, we are currently in the process of changing our administration and financial processes over to the CIO. We will try and keep the impact of this to a minimum. Please contact us if you do have any problems though.